The Portfolio
Brendan O'Hara

Everybody in this country
should learn to program a computer
because it teaches you how to think

Steve Jobs

My name is Brendan O'Hara. Welcome to my portfolio website. On it, I will tell you about my background and experience.

Thank you for stopping by and enjoy!

Picture of yourself
I'm available to assist you on your project!
HTML, CSS, and JS logos
I am a full-stack software developer,
trained in:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
Python logo
the popular programming language Python,
SQL logo
back end development, databases and SQL.
C# logo
C#, .NET Framework, ASP.NET, MVC,
popular game engine Unity,
C++ and the Unreal Engine!


My name is Brendan O'Hara, and I'm a Finance Manager. *crickets* *snoring* Now that you're awake again, I am also a father of six who has always had a passion for video games and computers.

I just attended The Tech Academy to remedy this "snoozable" decision in life. I've always wanted to make video games and now I'm on my way as I completed the Game Developer boot camp in November 2023.


My various assignments and projects can all be found on my GitHub profile.
